The top three Serbian cakes

Vasa's cake

        The Vasa’s cake is very old and legendary Serbian recipe since the year 1908 and represents one of the best and tastiest cakes ever. One crust layer and two different cream layers make this cake very rich on the eyesight, but not even to talk about the taste. Served in the most solemn occasions like: engagements, weddings, anniversary birthdays, Christmas, Easter, New Year celebrations etc.

 Doboš torta

           Doboš torta is a cake layered with chocolate butter cream and topped with caramel. The five - layer is named after its inventor, Hungarian confectioner Jozsef C. Dobos, who aimed to create a cake that would last longer than other pastries in an age when cooling techniques were limited. The round sides of the cake are coated with ground hazelnuts, chestnuts, walnuts or almonds and the caramel topping helps keep it form drying out.

Plazma cake

Plazma cake is named after a type of biscuit which has been a product of Bambi - Banat since 1981. The main ingredients are plazma biscuits. The preparation is very simple and it doesn't need to be baked. It is good for kids' birthdays and is flexible when it comes to ingredients. Chopped chocolate, jelly sweets, ratluk, bananas, cherries, and other are often added to the cake. 
The recipe consists of plazma biscuits, eggs, sugar, butter, walnuts, hazelnuts, jelly sweets, vinegar, whipped cream and orange juice. All the ingredients must be mixed together. In the end, the cake is topped with whipped cream or chocolate topping.This is the simplest recipe for plazma cake because it consists of only the most important ingredients for the cake to be prepared.
